Preparing for TAKE OFF

Greetings !

AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY / AERIAL VIDEOGRAPHY / TIME LAPSE CAMERA SYSTEMS Via (and Licenced Pilot of) HELICOPTER / AEROPLANE or "DRONE" (FULL unrestricted licence and $50m Public Liability Insurance).

We have been in business helping the Construction and Property Industry since 2004!!

SKYview AerialPhotography is a niche provider of photography and videography for the constructionand property industry. The Principle/Photographer is fully licenced (includinga full unrestricted RPA (Drone) Licence) and with full insurance. With morethan 25 years’ experience in the construction industry, the photographer hasextensive experience and knowledge of your challenges and how regular projectmonitoring is critical.

SKYviewAerial Photography was founded in 2004, and currently services a variety ofcustomers including, RMS NSW, Transport NSW, ARTC, Health Infrastructure NSW,ANSTO, Department of Defence and numerous building contractors and major trustfunds. These photos are used to enhance the monthly Project Control Group (PCG)reports, Board Review, delays, EOT’s, variations, design development/resolutionand more general marketing and PR/Comms uses.


Master Builders Association
Property Council
PAPA International



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